Route 03 - Chouf


Route 03 - Chouf


Points of interest: South of Beirut, Chouf, Baadaran airport, Barouk Cedars, Dahr el Baydar, Mtein Bridge, Broumana, Dora Bay, northern and western Beirut coastlines
Cruising Altitude: 7000ft
Duration: 40 min

​​This is a medium flight where you take off from Beirut and head west over the sea to reach 3000ft and then reverse course to overfly the airport and get a stunning view of Beirut city. After that you fly south-east to discover Deir el Kamar, Beiteddine, Baadaran Airport, the Barouk Cedars, the Mtein Bridge, and head back to Dora bay overflying Broumana and continue as planned in Route 1 to finally land in Beirut International Airport.

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