Route 07 - Rayak Bekka Valley


Route 07 - Rayak Bekka Valley


Points of interest: South of Beirut, Chouf, Baadaran airport, Barouk Cedars, Dahr el Baydar, Mtein Bridge, Zahle, Bekaa Valley, Rayak, Broumana, Dora Bay, northern and western Beirut coastlines
Cruising Altitude: 6500ft
Duration: 70 min

​​This is a long flight where you take off from Beirut and head west over the sea to reach 3000ft and then reverse course to overfly the airport and get a stunning view of Beirut city. After that you fly east to discover the matn, and Mount Lebanon, overflying Mtein bridge, Dahr el Baydar, the Bekaa Valley, then fly abeam Zahle, touch and go at Rayak military airport and head back to Dahr el baydar and rejoin route 1 at Dora to finally land in Beirut International Airport.

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